Ferremonelca, C.A.
Ferretería en general y materiales de construcción, empresa ubicada en la Avenida Intercomunal vía San Diego - Entrada a Campo Solo Sector Los Arales, Valencia Edo. Carabobo Venezuela. Teléfono: (0241)8721195
designer contact; email: cesarshanty@gmail.com
twitter: @cesarshanty
Download the vector logo of the Ferremonelca, C.A. brand designed by Cesar Acosta contactos: in CorelDRAW® format. The current status of the logo is active, which means the logo is currently in use.
- Designer:
- Cesar Acosta contactos:
- Contributor:
- unknown
- Vector format:
- cdr
- Status:
- Active Report as obsolete
- Vector Quality:
- No ratings
- Updated on:
- Fri, 04/18/2014 - 00:17