Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

ill supreme logo

Brief from client 

ill supreme llc is my clothing and design company based out of nj.


saraqroxy's picture
165 pencils

I can't get past the terrible font. Nothing personal, I just think there's a time and a place for 'handwritten' looking fonts, and this doesn't feel like the right time. t all. And it's so poorly kerned... Note that the s-u-p-r all have some space between them, but reme is all touching. I'd fix that- but hopefully you'll pick a new font anyway.

I'm not a fan of the symbol (just looks really generic to me) or the italic sans serif next to it either. Maybe grab a cold beer and jot down a few more ideas!?!?

M@'s picture
345 pencils

firstly can i just say reading the above comments made me laugh out loud! Secondly i think what Sara said about your logo in her first comment was very fair and i have to agree with her! i really dont like that hand written font/text and the symbol leaves little to be desired... sorry but in my opinion i dont think it works as a logo

Shawali's picture
1376 pencils

I like the symbol. It's very "AOL-y" but I think it works.

The fontwork is not good, though, for all the reasons Sara pointed out. These 2 typefaces really don't complement each other. The scripted one screams "Dafont!!!". It really doesn't look professional.

Choose on of the two. I'd go with the italic one. It's simple and straight to the point without being completely plain. If you want to learn more about fonts, don't hesitate to check these sites out : and

Now about that little tantrum you pulled after Sara's totally legitimate comment. First I'm glad you guys worked it out in another post.

But just get this : when we comment on a logo, the only thing we have in mind is to help. At least I know it's true for Sara and I and most of the regular commenters out here.

We have nothing to gain from being gratuitously harsh on one's work. We just tell it as it. There's of course a lot of subjectivity in our judgement but it so happens that logo design has its rules that makes parts of our comments objective.

You don't get to be picky on who can comment on your post. You don't get to ask for the full resume of that person who has an opinion on your logo. This is how this site works, and more globally, this is how the whole friggin' internet works. You exchange with people who you know nothing about.

See it like this: this site is just an online graphic design version of American Idol. Sara here has gone full Simon Cowell on you (except for the "mean for the ratings" thing =)

And you just had the typical reaction of a really disappointed contestant who protests: "but all my friends and family tell me I'm good, it has to be true!!!"

Now trust me when I say that Sara has a history on being fair, honest and right on point in her comments.

Roscoe Sera's picture
7 pencils

Well put. You can't choose your critics.

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