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Freelancer´s/Artist logo

Brief from client 

The most critical client I've ever had - myself ;)

I'm running a freelance studio and hence I've started working with larger companies and ad agencies, I feel I have to freshen up my own brand.

I have broad skills and work with branding, graphic & webdesign, illustration and packaging. My clients tend to hire me due to a helpful and cheerful personality, my attention to details and my willingness to always go the extra mile to deliver impeccable, fine adjusted work.

Woo, almost sounds like an ad fishing for work, however that is not my intention... just wanted to give a brief background about me and my work so you can assess the logo based on what the "company" is about.

Thanks in advance for your critique/comments.

Have had some previous feedback, and my latest thoughts have taken a new direction. Too cliche or something to build further on?

Cheers ;)


saraqroxy's picture
165 pencils

I dunno about this... I looked at your previous post and I think I almost prefer that as a starting point- it was at very least more interesting and showed off a little bit of your design skills, whereas this is very VERY simple (which is fine) but maybe TOO simple!? I'd also nix the heart over the i- but that's just me! My head just sees it as how a high school gal might sign her name or something, you know!?

Seeing your past example leads me to think that you DO know what you're doing (which is sadly more than I can say about some of the others I've seen on here!) so I'm thinking you should go back to the drawing board and see what you come up with!!?

Mona Bolin's picture

Hi Sara,

thanx for your valid points. So funny how you describe the way you perceive the second (lazy/quick) attempt, cause I received another, very similar comment:

"The second one does not say cheerful to me, it says teenage doodling lovestruck girl"...

Both of you are absolutely right, and that perception does not represent me at all! This sad suggestion will be rightfully thrown in the bin.

I will take your advice and wipe the drawing board. Perhaps combined with a break for a few days not thinking about it at all - which seem to do the trick when I'm stuck. Think I'm a bit frustrated and trying to "hurry up the process"... and that mindset never produce any good results (in my experience anyways ;)

Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

I like this version, but the comments are spot on i would say!
now your version 1 is pretty eye catching i love the colors.

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

I agree with MONITO

ideasfan's picture
14 pencils

Me too (nonito).... ;)

Version history