Logo History
- US Dental Сare
- Planet Fitnes
- Sheraton Nevskij Palace Hotel St. Petersburg
- Elite Solarium
- Rio-Rio Brazilian Restaurant
- Independent Media
- Five Star Diamond Award
- Baltschug Restaurant
- The Leading Hotels of the World
- Virgin Atlantic
- Singapore Airlines
- iT
- Qantas
- Deelgemeente IJsselmonde
- Harman International
- Emirates Airlines
- Ballast Nedam International
- Ballast Nedam Dredging
- Ballast Nedam
- Baas Bedrijven
- Shimano XTR
- Philadelphia 76'ers
- Post
- RF Hotels
- Astoria Hotel
- Print Center at Radisson
- Libra-K
- Alrosa Travel
- English First
- Independence Day
- Radisson Slavjanskaya Hotel
- Moscow Business Center
- Moscow Business Center 10 Years
- Patio Pizza
- Sote Grande
- CISLink.com
- Voice of America
- Global USA
- Dr. Loder Fitness Center
- International SOS
- Adventist Health Center
- Jacob Yurgensen
- Wilfried Heinzel
- Conrad Jacobson
- SvyazInvest